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Take the ISTH Global Survey on VTE Risk Assessment Policy Read More
The World Thrombosis Day (WTD) campaign announced the Inaugural Promotional Flyer Competition to encourage early career professionals working in the area of thrombosis and/or haemostasis to design an educational advertisement to help educate patients on the cause, risk factors and prevention of hospital-associated VTE. Read More
Do you know a passionate thrombosis awareness advocate who should be recognized? Nominate him/her for the World Thrombosis Day (WTD) 2019 Thrombosis Ambassador of the Year Award. Read More
CHAPEL HILL, NC, USA – April 1, 2019 — The International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) today announced that Christine Ashimwe from Kigali, Rwanda, has been appointed as the inaugural patient representative of the World Thrombosis Day (WTD) Steering Committee. Recognized on 13 October, WTD focuses attention on the often overlooked and misunderstood condition of thrombosis. With thousands of educational events in countries around the world and a global reach of more than 3 billion each year, the campaign and its partners place a global spotlight on thrombosis as an urgent and growing health problem. Read More
Explore the World Thrombosis Day 2019 Plan It's time to start planning for World Thrombosis Day (WTD) 2019. WTD seeks to increase global awareness of thrombosis, including its causes, risk factors, signs/symptoms and evidence-based prevention and treatment. Ultimately, we strive to reduce death and disability caused by the condition -- but we can't do it alone. Read More
Medical Experts Available for Commentary CHAPEL HILL, NC, USA, March 4, 2019 – Janice Freeman, former contestant on NBC’s The Voice, has died from a blood clot and complications from pneumonia, according to multiple reports. The 33-year-old fan favorite competed on the NBC reality show in 2017 and was known for her powerhouse vocals. Freeman passed away on Saturday, March 2, from a blood clot and “an extreme case” of pneumonia, according to a statement on Freeman’s Twitter account. Read More
As a World Thrombosis Day partner and advocate, creativity and capacity are crucial to engaging the public on or around World Thrombosis Day. Events to raise awareness can be held in a multitude of venues. To get started, view the list of ideas below and gather your colleagues, friends and family to help with planning and promotion! Read More
NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release CHAPEL HILL, NC, USA, JANUARY 24, 2019 – The International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) today announced that Beverley Hunt, M.D., has been named the new incoming chair of the World Thrombosis Day Steering Committee. Read More
World Thrombosis day Is the Leading Global Awareness Campaign on Blood Clotting Disorders CHAPEL HILL, NC, USA, December 18, 2018 — Today the World Thrombosis Day (WTD) campaign officially launched its 2018 Impact Report highlighting the powerful growth and influence of the global movement. In just five years, WTD has expanded to a leading global campaign uniting more than 1,500 partners from 100+ countries to raise awareness about thrombosis and help save lives. In 2018, WTD reached more than 3 billion impressions worldwide as a result of tremendous digital engagement and partner activities—an 11 percent increase from 2017. Read More
On the occasion of the World Thrombosis Day – 13 October, the European Cancer Patient Coalition has launched the report on the Cancer-Associated Thrombosis Awareness Survey results which measures the current levels of patient awareness of cancer-associated thrombosis throughout Europe. The survey, which was carried out in 2018 in several European countries, revealed very low awareness about cancer associated thrombosis among cancer patients in Europe. A vast majority of respondents said that, before taking part in the survey, they were unaware that people with cancer have a higher than normal risk of developing thrombosis. Read More
A recording of the World Thrombosis Day 2018 Global Webinar is now available! Click here to watch the recording and share it with your network. The webinar was held on October 11, 2018 and was proudly co-hosted by the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Read More
Christine Ashimwe, Founder of Rwanda Clot Awareness Network, Receives Prestigious Award for Thrombosis Advocacy Achievements CHAPEL HILL, NC, USA, October 11, 2018 — The International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) today announced that Christine Ashimwe from Kigali, Rwanda, has been named the World Thrombosis Day 2018 Thrombosis Ambassador of the Year. This prestigious recognition highlights Ashimwe’s drive to achieve the campaign’s mission of shining a global spotlight on the condition of thrombosis. It also showcases her ability to motivate others within thrombosis advocacy programs in Rwanda and around the world through innovative approaches to raise awareness and accomplish advocacy goals. Read More
Distributed by PortolaHighlights Proactive Risk Assessment in Hospitals as Opportunity to Optimize Patient Outcomes SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Oct. 09, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Portola Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Read More
Record-Breaking Global Education Campaign Achieves Increased Awareness of the Risk Factors, Signs, and Symptoms of Thrombosis CHAPEL HILL, NC, USA, (October 9, 2018) — The World Thrombosis Day (WTD) campaign commemorates its fifth year on October 13 with the largest global engagement effort yet to inform and educate the general public, healthcare professionals and policymakers about the little-known but potentially deadly condition of thrombosis. One in four people worldwide are dying of conditions caused by thrombosis – the formation of blood clots in an artery or vein — yet many people remain unaware of its risks, signs and symptoms. In five years, the World Thrombosis Day campaign has grown to reach more than 2. Read More
You might be shocked to learn that one of the leading causes of preventable death is something many people have never heard of — and often don’t know they have. One in four people worldwide are dying from conditions caused by thrombosis, making it a leading global cause of death and disability. When a blood clot forms in an artery or vein, it can lead to heart attack, stroke, or a life-threatening clot in the lungs or leg, causing venous thromboembolism (VTE). Read More
(BPT) Es posible que se sorprenda al saber que una de las causas principales de muerte evitable es algo que muchas personas nunca han escuchado y, a menudo, no saben que padecen. Una de cada cuatro personas en todo el mundo fallece de condiciones que son causadas por la trombosis, lo que transforma a esta enfermedad en la causa principal de muerte y discapacidad a nivel mundial. Cuando se forma un coágulo sanguíneo en una arteria o vena puede provocar un ataque cardíaco, un derrame cerebral o un coágulo potencialmente mortal en los pulmones o la pierna, que causará una tromboembolia venosa (TEV). Read More
Узнайте о тромбозе: как определять признаки и симптомы наличия опасных сгустков крови (BPT). Вы можете быть шокированы, узнав, что многие люди никогда не слышали об одной из главных причин смерти, которую можно было бы предотвратить и которая у них может быть. Каждый четвертый человек на планете погибает от заболеваний, вызванных тромбозом, что делает это явление основной причиной смерти и инвалидности во всем мире. Read More
(BPT) Talvez você se surpreenda ao saber que uma das principais causas de mortes que poderiam ser prevenidas é algo de que muita gente nunca ouviu falar e, geralmente, nem sabe que tem. Uma a cada quatro pessoas em todo o mundo morre por causa de uma doença chamada trombose, o que a torna a principal causa global de morte e incapacitação. Ao se formar em uma artéria ou veia, um coágulo sanguíneo pode causar um ataque do coração, derrame ou coágulos no pulmão ou nas pernas, que podem levar à morte por tromboembolismo venoso (TEV). Read More
(BPT) Sie könnten schockiert sein zu erfahren, dass eine der Hauptursachen für vermeidbaren Tod etwas ist, von dem viele Menschen noch nie gehört haben - und oft auch nicht wissen, dass sie selbst betroffen sind. Jeder vierte Mensch stirbt an den Folgen einer Thrombose, Thrombose ist damit weltweit eine der Hauptursachen für Todesfälle und Behinderungen. Wenn sich ein Blutgerinnsel in einer Arterie oder Vene bildet, kann es zu einem Herzinfarkt, Schlaganfall oder einem lebensbedrohlichen Gerinnsel in der Lunge oder im Bein führen und eine venöse Thromboembolie (VTE) verursachen. Read More
(BPT) Vous pourriez être choqué d'apprendre que l'une des principales causes de décès évitables est quelque chose dont beaucoup de gens n'ont jamais entendu parler - et dont ils ignorent souvent l'existence. Une personne sur quatre dans le monde meurt de maladies causées par la thrombose, ce qui en fait l'une des principales causes mondiales de décès et d'invalidité. Lorsqu'un caillot sanguin se forme dans une artère ou une veine, il peut provoquer une crise cardiaque, un accident vasculaire cérébral ou un caillot dans les poumons ou la jambe qui peut mettre la vie en danger, et provoquer une thromboembolie veineuse (TEV). Read More