World Thrombosis Day

Interviews and psas

WTD Chair Dr. Beverley Hunt Discusses Advancements in Thrombosis

WTD Chairman Dr. Gary Raskob Discusses Incredible Impact Award

Dr. Gary Raskob discusses World Thrombosis Day 2017, including the campaign's success and impact to date, as well as plans for the future of World Thrombosis Day.

World Thrombosis Day Steering Committee Members share an important message of awareness.

Dr. Alicia Blanco, Steering Committee Member and Head of the Haemostasis Division at the National Academy of Medicine in Buenos Aires, Argentina (in Spanish).

Dr. Alicia Blanco, Steering Committee Member and Head of the Haemostasis Division at the National Academy of Medicine in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Dr. Beverley Hunt, Steering Committee Member and Professor of Thrombosis and Haemostasis at King’s College in London, England.

Dr. Claire McLintock, Steering Committee Member and Clinical Director of Regional Maternity Services at Auckland City Hospital in Auckland, New Zealand.

Dr. Gary Raskob, Steering Committee Chairman and Dean of the University of Oklahoma College of Public Health in Oklahoma, United States.

Dr. Harry Buller, Steering Committee Member and Professor of Internal Medicine at the Academic Medicine Center in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Dr. Pantep Angchaisuksiri, Steering Committee Member and Chief of Haemostasis and Thrombosis at Ramathibodi Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand (in Thai).

Dr. Pantep Angchaisuksiri, Steering Committee Member and Chief of Haemostasis and Thrombosis at Ramathibodi Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand.

Dr. Stavros V. Konstantinides, Steering Committee Member and Professor for Clinical Trials and Deputy Scientific Director at the Center for Thrombosis and Haemostasis at the University of Mainz in Langenbeckstr, Germany.

Dr. Yukio Ozaki, Steering Committee Member and Professor of Medicine at the University of Yamanashi in Yamanashi, Japan (in Japanese).

Professor the Lord Kakkar, Steering Committee Member and Director of the Thrombosis Research Institute in London, England.