World Thrombosis Day Early Career Flyer Competition
Join the movement and help increase global awareness of thrombosis by participating in the Inaugural Promotional Flyer Competition. Open to all early career professionals working in the area of thrombosis and/or haemostasis, the contest is to create a one page advertisement to help educate patients on the cause, risk factor and prevention of hospital-associated VTE.
The winner will receive a $250 USD Visa Gift Card, and the flyer will be featured on the WTD website and available to all partner organizations and ISTH members.
Application Deadline: Friday, June 21, 2019 (5:00 p.m. EST)
For guidelines and details, see below.
- Create a flyer on the topic of thrombosis, specifically Venous Thromboembolism (VTE), and explain the condition including the risk factors, signs and symptoms. Share the information that you believe patients should know and/or may be curious about.
It can be general or related to hospital-associated VTE, gender-specific VTE or cancer-associated VTE. You are encouraged to use information and materials available on the WTD Website and other resources such as journals, your institution, other informational websites, etc.
- Remember: The intended audience of your flyer is patients.
- Please incorporate the official WTD logo somewhere on the flyer.
- Only original flyers and artwork will be accepted. Please note that submissions may not have been presented or published prior to entry.
- Copyrighted images or trademarked products, brand names and/or advertisements may not be used within the flyer. Do not use any pharmaceutical or promotional name brands.
Who is Eligible?
Applicants must be a member of the ISTH and a registered partner of the WTD campaign.
- To become an early career member, click here:
- To become a WTD partner, click here:
- The candidate must be early career and hold an academic rank below assistant professor including students, trainees and post-doc fellows.
- $250 USD Visa Gift Card
- Flyer will be featured on the WTD website and available for download to all ISTH members and WTD partners.
What is a promotional flyer?
A flyer is an educational paper one-page advertisement intended for wide distribution and is typically posted or distributed in a public place, handed out to individuals and/or sent through the mail. A flyer is also called a “poster” in marketing speak. For examples of WTD flyers/posters, click here.
- Size Requirements: A4 / Letter Sized (8.5x11)
Submission Procedures:
Applicants must submit the flyer in a PDF format to by Friday, June 21, 2019 for judging during the ISTH 2019 Congress in Melbourne, Australia, July 6-11, 2019. Include the following information in your email:
- Name of individual submitting the flyer
- Title
- Hospital / Institution Name
- Country
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Following your submission, we will ask you to sign an official WTD release form.
Judging of posters will take place at the ISTH Congress at the ISTH Booth from July 6-11, 2019.
- The winning poster will become the property of the ISTH and WTD campaign and will be shared via the WTD website and social media platforms.
- Winners will be contacted via email no later than August 1, 2019.
QUESTIONS? Please email